Introduction » CZ Guns Accesories » VZ58,SA58,CZ858 » SA,VZ-58 Dural Rail Handguard System Sport - KINGGUN


SA,VZ-58 Dural Rail Handguard System Sport - KINGGUN

Manufacturer: KingGun

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Product no.: 0198
our price:
199.99 USD

Full Specifications

The system, by its design, significantly improves the cooling of the weapon when working in automatic mode and allows the use of all standard accessories such as a collimator, a device for illuminating the target, an additional stock, etc. It is made of strength-resistant duralumin EN AW-2007 and the surface is treated by spraying with heat-resistant fired paint . The difference between the Sport and Profi handguards is in the material used and the method of processing. While the Sport Forend is a machined casting, the Profi Forend is milled from a rolled piece and exhibits a higher structural strength for demanding environments. The design of the handguard system was chosen to allow for easy and quick disassembly and reassembly during weapon maintenance. The handguard is attached to the weapon with the help of the original clamping elements, thereby achieving optimal strength of the joints and at the same time, minimal influence of the accessories on the function of the weapon. The KINGGUN handguard is designed to preserve the basic features and dimensions of the weapon, and in the event of a malfunction of the optical sight, it was possible to use fixed sights on the weapon. Emphasis was also placed on enabling maximum shooting comfort. M - LOCK elements on the forearm allow for better personification of the weapon. maximum shooting comfort.


  • high quality product;
  • made in Czech Republic by KingGun;
  • duralumin;
  • new product.

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vz.58 Compact
Tim Yates
08.04.2021 05:37